Winter Roof Maintenance

Winter is here. And thankfully our winters are only a mere few months long and don’t threaten us with the impending invasion by the Night King and his army of the dead. What that does mean though, is that we have no excuse not to expect our roof, for the cold and wet has still invaded the land.

How many of you have actually inspected your roof at least one other time this year? When was the last time you inspected it? The roofing industry recommends at least twice-yearly roof inspections to ensure your home is in tip-top shape to protect you from the elements. Those of us who are lucky enough to live on the west coast haven’t had to endure any snow yet, but the windy rains have definitely moved in.

Much like the regular maintenance of a car is recommended to ensure that the vehicle is safe to be on the road and won’t leave you stranded during your commute, roofs require the same type of dedication – except your car is more like the needy child of the two. However, just like maintaining your car, regular roof maintenance can help you find and repair small problems before they become really big problems, and it can maximize the roof’s service life.

Often, you can easily maintain your roof yourself, but sometimes you’ll definitely need to call in a professional roofing contractor. One tip that can help keep your roofing maintenance and inspections in check is to create a roofing file to store documents such as: roofing plans and the original installation information, the installing contractor’s contact information, warranties, maintenance and inspection reports, repair bills, and samples of products that were installed. This type of information can save you a lot of time and money in the future.

Ideally two inspections of the roof should be done a year, but try to ensure that at least one is done. The spring and the fall are the best times to take care of any issues because of the changes in the weather.

If you don’t have time to do a proper inspection, keeping the debris from accumulating on your room throughout the year will help ensure the longevity of your roof. And while you’re up there, it’s easy to at least check out the tiles and drainage on and around the roof. Preventing any type of water damage is key to proper roof maintenance and longevity.

Many roof warranties require regular roof maintenance. Approximately one hour of your time twice a year is an easy commitment to make when it means ensuring that your home is safe and secure from the elements outside.

A few important things to keep an eye out for are if you’re missing any tiles, a build-up of debris – especially in areas where there may be poor drainage – seam problems or missing sealant, worn out mortar joints and missing window gaskets can all be leak locations that may be incorrectly assumed to be a roofing problem.

Checking the attic for signs of moisture, leakage or mold is also a high priority during the colder, wet months as these types of things can lead to a host of issues that when not taken care of immediately, may require very costly repairs. If you suspect there may be some water or moisture issues, or if you’ve already discovered some mold, it’s always recommended to bring in a certified roofer to do a proper inspection to not only determine the severity of the issue, but to give you peace of mind that it will be properly taken care of so that your family remains dry and healthy through the winter.

Our Shoreline Roofing experts are here to help!