Steps for Preparing Your Roof in Victoria for Fall and Winter

Summer’s on its last legs here on the island, and an important question needs to be asked.

Is your roof prepared for the wet and moist fall and winter months that lay ahead?

Often, with leading busy lives, homeowners forget about how important the integrity of a roof can be. Vancouver Island endures the rain shadow effect and even the though the west coast of the island receives a lot more rain than the east, the east still sees its fair share through the upcoming months.

Nonetheless the rain, but what one truly needs to be prepared for is snow. Being ahead of the weather is always prudent, and being prudent can save a homeowner a lot of money in the long run. Snow build up can be heavy and if a roof isn’t structurally sound, the consequences could devastating.

Heres a few steps and actions one can take to prepare their roof for fall and winter.

Clean Gutters

Leaves and debris from close by trees can collect in a person’s gutter system. Eventually, the build-up of collected debris can lead to a clog in the downspouts of a gutter. This is when the rain starts to overflow from the gutter and damages aspects of the roof such as trim and siding. Often, the added weight from water build-up and wet leaves becomes more than the average gutter can handle causing gutters to loosen from their anchor points and tragically collapse.

Preventing and avoiding a catastrophe like a gutter collapse is easily achievable by staying ahead of the seasons, getting out the ladder, and clearing out the gutters.

Clear off Debris

It is equally important to remove the same debris that can build up in gutters from the surface of a roof too. Smalls bits of debris will retain moisture and possibly rot or mold. When that starts, it will break down roofing material like granules on roofing shingles.

Only if a person is comfortable with walking on their roof, get up there and broom or blow off settled debris. Pay special attention to tiny crevasses where debris could easily build up and are more vulnerable to water damage. It’s imperative that they are free so that water can freely flow and not build.

Check for Damages and Signs of Deterioration

If one falls into the brave category who ventured up to the roof, scan the surface of the roof. A person should search for missing shingles or shingles that have been cracked, curled, or appear to have frayed edges (a person could use binoculars to inspect from the ground to inspect the roof).

While scanning, check for possible damaged flashing around vent stacks, chimneys, and skylights. Areas like these areas are susceptible to leakage. Repairing flashing can be tricky, luckily Shoreline Roofing and Exteriors can help.

Attic Insulation and Ventilation

When an attic does not get adequate air flow, a person could be paying a higher than necessary energy bill, and encounter roof leaks. Throughout the day, the sunbeams its heat on a roof and heats up the air in an attic. If there is not proper ventilation through the soffits, ridges, and gables of a roof, hot air starts to condensate. This causes moisture to build, and mold to grow which will rot a roof from the inside out.

Trapped hot air in an attic, when it has no place to go, will find its way out and seep into common living areas. This may sound great in the winter and fall, but it will ask more of one’s air conditioner in the hot summer months.

Shoreline Roofing and Exteriors off a wide variety of services. Shoreline also does roof inspections and will check for all of these problems in their inspection. If you don’t feel comfortable venturing atop your roof, then don’t. Leave it to the pros at Shoreline.

Give us a call at 250-413-7967 before us Vancouver Islander’s are in the thick of fall and winter.

Post Tagged with Victoria moss removal, , victoria roofing contractor