Clean Roofing Shingles

Why Your Roof May Need De-Mossing

Replacing the roof of a home can be very expensive, especially if widespread moss growth has enabled excessive moisture to enter in through your roof. This moisture can cause your roof timbers to rot, necessitating…

metal roof cleaning victoria

How to Safely Clean a Metal Roof

There are different ways to clean different types of roofing material, but metal roofing is a specific kind of metal that has to be cleaned very carefully.  It relies on special techniques and tools because…

Pros and Cons of Skylights in Your Roof

Having a skylight in your roof can instantly add to the appeal of your home by introducing a new avenue for natural light to enter into your living area. Unlike most windows, skylights introduce light…

benefits of a metal roof victoria

Benefits of Installing a Metal Roof on Your Home

This corner of Vancouver Island has gained a well-deserved reputation as a wonderful place to live and work. With mild, occasionally snow-free winters and sunlit summers, many people are drawn to live and work here…

demossing before and after shoreline roofing victoria

Importance of De-Mossing Your Roof

De-mossing is a simple process. But it’s one that shouldn’t be overlooked, especially if you have seen the damage moss can cause on your roof. As the weather gets warmer this summer, there’s one thing…


How to Care For Different Types of Roofing Material

A structurally sound roof is a safe, ‘uplifting’ roof. Homeowners should always keep in mind that routine roof maintenance is important for the longevity of their roof. Most homeowners know that the cost of replacing…

Qualities of a Reliable Roofer in Vancouver

Keeping Up With Roof Maintenance This Summer

When it comes to summer, many of us get flashbacks of summers long since passed where we were young and carefree and could sleep in and lounge around all day without a care in the…