Caring for your roof in Victoria BC

Even though we all live beneath it, depend on it to protect us from the outside elements, and sleep underneath it, we often forget about the roof over our heads. Yet, remembering to care for your roof on a regular basis is vital to keeping your home safe and even extending the life of the entire structure. Therefore, sticking to a regular schedule of repair and maintenance throughout the year will support a long life for your roof and peace of mind for you and your family.

To begin with, every homeowner benefits from keeping a simple file folder with your roof’s age, and repair and maintenance history inside. Now you won’t have to struggle to remember the age of your roof, the repairs that have already been completed, or the age of specific materials, such as eaves troughs. Choosing new roofing materials for various repairs depends on the age of the roof. Knowing what may require replacing depends on how old things become, since wear and tear and age all come into play. With a convenient place to check the history of your roof for future reference, you can budget for major revamps ahead of time. 

Making sure the attic is properly ventilated is another primary step towards caring for your roof. If the ventilation is inadequate, it could result in a shingled roof overheating every summer and quickly shorten the life span of your roof. Likewise, adequate insulation prevents heat loss and high heating bills.

Additionally, check points of possible water leakage, like roof flashing and air vent creases. Look specifically for any dark spots along attic walls and ceilings. Next, check for missing shingles or holes. A small leak is easier to fix than a huge leak.

Keep roof gutters and valleys free of debris and branches year-round. You don’t want to discover too late that moss and mold are flourishing underneath a pile of old, rotting leaves that weren’t removed. What’s more, keep gutters and downspouts clear of debris so proper drainage can occur year-round also avoids costly problems, such as rusting and excess wear. Most debris can be cleared by hand, with a broom, or using a leaf blower. Take extra care to avoid unnecessary damage by using too much force to ensure a safe clean-up.

Finally, moss removal is central to roof restorations in humid climates. Chemical cleaning products are available to help with the process. Avoid scraping or pressure washing any substances off your roof as these methods can cause more damage than they repair.

If you aren’t comfortable with performing general roofing repairs yourself, then schedule a regular roof inspection with a qualified roofing company. This will ensure small repairs are made before they turn into bigger, more costly repairs down the road.

Take the time and attention to maintain your roof—it pays off exponentially over the lifetime of your home. Do the repairs yourself or hire a professional and enjoy the sense of calm of having a safe and well-maintained roof over your head.

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