shoreline roof leak and helping homeowners have their roofs replaced

How Often Does My Roof Need to be Replaced In BC

Your roof is your home’s first line of defense against external elements. It protects you and your family from rain, wind, and snow. But how often do you need to replace it? If you’re a…

roof underlayment

Why is the Roof Underlayment Important

The roof is necessary for protecting the integrity of your home. So, to adequately serve its purpose, the roof usually includes several components that make it fit to protect your home from harsh external conditions.…

roofing shingles

Why High Humidity is Bad News for Your Roof

High humidity can cause a range of problems for your roof. These problems may range from the growth of harmful mold and mildew to the deterioration of the roof itself. In this article, we’ll explore…

The Benefits of Gutter Guards

10 Components of a Successful Gutter System

Though gutters are seen as just simple arrangements of connected plastic pipes, they are more than just that. Gutters are complicated systems of different components that work together to direct water run-off from your roof…


What Shingle Sediment Can Tell About Your Roof

Asphalt shingle roofing is a very popular choice of roofing for most homes. This type of roofing offers several benefits that make them a go-to choice for most homes. Unfortunately, they also have their flaws.…

Roof Protection From Common Causes of Damage

The 6 Worst Debris That Damage Your Roof

Roofs are an essential part of every home’s defense. They, therefore, need to be adequately maintained and cared for. As a part of the maintenance process, it is important to eliminate accumulating debris. Roof debris causes…

The Benefits of Gutter Guards

The Dangers of Stagnant Gutter Water

Your gutters are one of the most essential components of your roofing system. They are responsible for collecting rainwater on your roof and diverting them away from your foundation. Just as gutters help keep your…

waterproof barrier

Waterproof Barrier: What it is and Why it is Needed

It only takes research and asking around to discover that most people barely know about waterproof barriers. You often see people asking questions like, what does it mean? What does it do? Why do you…