Unexpected And Long-Term Dangers of Roof Leaks

As a house owner, on the long list of household problems you are likely to experience, roof leakage ranks probably the highest. Roof leakage is a common household problem that, at some point, many of us will face because of many factors…some of which are preventable.

Leaky roofs can be caused by many reasons, such as faulty roof installation, clogged gutters, Chimney damage, wind or storm damage, broken or missing shingles, or a general lack of maintenance. Also worth noting, your roof can experience leakage when it is already old since most roofs are only meant to last 20 to 30 years.

If you can easily procrastinate all other house maintenance issues, a leaky roof is something you should never procrastinate. That is, it should top the list of your priorities because a leaky roof, unlike other household issues, can cause severe damage to the house if not attended to very quickly. In this article, we will share with you some of the long-term dangers of roof leaks to the house, particularly you.

Dangers of a Leaking Roof

Underlying Structure Damage

When you have a leaking roof, the real problem is that you may not quickly know or figure out the damage it will cause/is causing. Usually, you only see water dripping from the ceiling to the floor, but you have no idea where the rest of the water is going and the harm it will cause in the long run. While the dripping water is the least of the issue, the real danger is the damage that leakage will cause to the structure of your house.

For instance, roof leaks, if not attended to very quickly, can cause severe damage to the roof structures and create problems like wood rot or metal decay. The damage doesn’t stop there; When your house’s wall framing is exposed to prolonged water leaks, this can also cause damage to the house. And when these damages happen, you may be required to do a full house renovation. I hate to break it to you, but a full house renovation will not only require you to spend big but also take quite a bit of time before the renovation is completed.

Insulation Damage

Insulation is just as important as every other part of your house. What insulation does in the house is very simple and super important; it helps to keep the desired temperature in your house all year round. A house with good insulation is automatically head and shoulders above other houses.

However, in the event of roof leakage, the house insulation may be affected. For example, insulation materials, such as fiberglass, etc., may be destroyed due to nonstop water leakages. And when this happens, the house interiors and you, in particular, will be exposed to all sorts of weather temperatures…some of which may not go down well with your body system.

Pest Infestation

There is nothing pests love more than a moist place. Whenever you have a leaking roof, the stagnant water in the ceiling often serves as a breeding place for all kinds of insects, both small and big.

Pest Infestation is bad for the house and your health because some insects can gain entry into your house by using holes in your roof. Aside from this, pest infestations can keep people away from your house!

Electrical Fire

This list of potential hazard roof leaks can cause won’t be complete without this. Therefore, an electrical fire accident over a long distance is one of the most concerning dangers a roof leak can cause. As you already know, water and electricity do not mix! Suppose the water from a roof leak should get into an electrical extension cord, an electrical service panel, or an already exposed wire. In that case, such moisture can cause an electrical short circuit that will heat the affected outlet, causing an electric fire or shock.

Risk of slip and Fall Injuries

As the water drips down from the roof, the floor automatically becomes slippery… mainly if the floor is tiled. This can cause slip and fall injuries, particularly to infants and the elderly, because they do not have strong grips. This type of injury can cause internal and external bodily injuries. Even if you can manage your injuries, don’t forget that you may get sued if one of your visitors or a guest slips and sustain a bad injury.


Sometimes, you don’t have control over what happens to your roof, as most of the causes of roof leaks are not influenced by human actions. Therefore, if you suspect that the roof of your house is beginning to leak, don’t wait till it renders your house almost inhabitable before you call an expert to come and assess the situation and the next line of action. Remember, a leak on the roof won’t seal itself shut!

At shorelineroofing.ca, we have all the tools and expertise to plug all forms of roof leaks. All you have to do is request your free quote today, and we will locate, diagnose, and plug the leak in no time.