Do You Need a Second Opinion on Your Roof Inspection?

How to Avoid Roofing Scams

Roofing scams happen when roofing contractors or companies take advantage of homeowners to sell unnecessary and expensive roofing services. Just because a business offers a service does not mean it is honest. As a result,…

reduce heat in your home

Five Ways Roofing Helps Reduce Heat in Your Home

Not many of us like the atmosphere of a hot, stuffy house. While the summer is enjoyable and long, it can also bring about high indoor temperatures. Using the appropriate roofing materials to help with…

roof ventilation

Why Roof Ventilation Is So Important

The concept of ventilation is very easy to understand. The straightforward explanation of ventilation is that it involves the flow of fresh air through a system of intake and exhaust. Ventilation involves the movement of…

what is roof flashing

Roof Flashing and the Benefits

Water damage can be frustrating and stressful to fix. One of every homeowner’s worst nightmares has to be a leaking or crumbling roof. Water damage can cost thousands of dollars to repair or replace, not…

cool roofs

6 Ways a New Roof Increases Your Home’s Value

One of the important pieces of the puzzle regarding your home’s health is your roof. You need a high-quality roof to protect you and your family from the elements. New roofs can be expensive, but…

roofing shingles

7 Reasons Why You Should Install a Skylight

Have you ever dreamed of having a skylight in your home? A natural light source can change how your home feels and functions. Believe it or not, installing a skylight is a great way to…

heat and humidity effects

How To Pick Your Roofing Shingle Colours

Your roof accounts for about 40% of your home’s visible exterior and thus plays a crucial role in how your home is perceived on the street. Your roof is essential to the general appearance of…

how to make your roof last longer shoreline

How to Increase the Lifespan of Your Roof

Since the roof is a part of the house we don’t often pay any attention to, we may forget it’s even there. However, it is an essential part of the structure of the home and…

shoreline roofing safe snow removal

How to Prevent Ice Dams & Roof Leaks this Winter

Winter is now well and truly here in the Victoria area, and with it comes plenty of rain, wind and snow that can wreak havoc on old or improperly maintained roof. We highly recommend that…