At Shoreline Roofing we strongly recommend making sure your roof is properly insulated before the real cold weather hits us here on Vancouver Island. Well-insulated roofs increase energy efficiency and save you money on heating…

At Shoreline Roofing we strongly recommend making sure your roof is properly insulated before the real cold weather hits us here on Vancouver Island. Well-insulated roofs increase energy efficiency and save you money on heating…
Although Vancouver Island is more known for rain than it is for snow, winter storms can still blanket all parts of the Island in heavy snow from November onwards. Even relatively light snowfalls can pose…
Replacing the roof of a home can be very expensive, especially if widespread moss growth has enabled excessive moisture to enter in through your roof. This moisture can cause your roof timbers to rot, necessitating…
De-mossing is a simple process. But it’s one that shouldn’t be overlooked, especially if you have seen the damage moss can cause on your roof. As the weather gets warmer this summer, there’s one thing…