Have a Leaky Roof? We’re Here for You 24/7!

Spring and summer often generate an unpredictable number of exciting West Coast rain and wind storms. Along with these spectacular, blustery storms derives a great deal of precipitation pelting the vulnerable exterior of your precious home, including siding and roofing.

Before you realize what is happening, you hear a haunting dripping din, and notice a small water spot spreading insidiously across your ceiling. No one expects a leaky emergency, so when one occurs, it’s comforting to know that Shoreline Roofing & Exterior Services has your back 24/7.

There is absolutely no good time for roof issues, but when they do occur, it’s extremely important to have temporary repairs performed as quickly as possible. While you’re waiting for new roofing material or a roofing professional to become available for thorough repairs, safety measures must be taken before mold and mildew problems damage your home. Moreover, rain can take days to clear before a proper repair can be scheduled.

Servicing Victoria and surrounding areas for over 20 years, Shoreline provides knowledgeable and expert roofing repairs. Also, you may be interested in our weather-proofing services for future leak prevention. We help prevent thousands of dollars worth of damage to your home due to a leaky roof emergency.

Undoubtedly, wet coastal winds and weather can be brutal on the home. Damage may be caused not only by rain and wind but flying debris such as branches. Roofing shingles can be blown off and birds can seek refuge, resulting in hidden damage. Leaves may clog gutters as well and interfere with proper drainage, resulting in leaks.

No one should go up on a commercial or residential roof in inclement weather. Our experts can climb up on your roof safely to place a temporary tarp, preventing further leaks. Then, when it’s safe to do so, Shoreline has the expertise and training to perform comprehensive roof repairs. Our skilled technicians can also install proper ventilation and replace deteriorating chimney flashing.

Shoreline offers 24-hour Emergency Services, including roof repairs, treatments, and re-roofing services. Imagine having to wait two business days for roof emergency repair while rain continues to seep inside your home! You can lay those fears to rest with Ed Combs, an enthusiastic roofing professional and our company owner. The business is also fully insured and WCB work safe.

The safety and longevity of your roof is our top priority. Shoreline Roofing has several decades of experience helping homeowners deal with the unexpected. With 24-hour emergency help at your fingertips, you’re sure to be back to relaxing in the dry warmth of your home soon. Keep our number close at hand in the event your home requires emergency care and immediate attention.