Getting Your Roof Ready for Winter

This year has been like no other and a new season is upon us already. Distracted by pandemic news, Fall seems to have sneaked up unexpectedly. Surely, now is the time to turn your attention to making your roof ready for winter ahead. 

Get your roof ready for winter now so you can sit back and enjoy the comforts of the indoors later. Then, you’ll be relaxing worry-free when cold weather descends.

  1. The roof is the backbone of the home. Prior to conquering roof repairs, be a home hero, and equip yourself with appropriate equipment. You want to be safe up on the roof and it’s ideal to have a helper. If you don’t have a good ladder or protective gear and tools, hire a Victoria roof expert to get the job done safely.
  2. Equally important is a clean roof. Nearby trees and summer storms may have left debris scattered across the rooftop. Everything should be swept off to prevent mold and mildew from causing damage. Nearby trees should also be trimmed of dead or overhanging branches. Now you have a clean slate to work with.
  3. Subsequently, eavestroughs and drainpipes must be cleared out. Doing so prevents ice dams and water build-up that can seriously damage a home exterior.
  4. Next, inspect the entire roof. Check for missing shingles, holes or tears from hail damage, damaged chimney flashing, and leaks in the ceiling of the home. Any damage should be repaired immediately. Replace shingles, seal holes, or replace chimney flashing if required. 
  5. Sealant cracks over time and leaves your roof vulnerable to harmful leaks. Check all seals and re-caulk with suitable sealer.
  6. Emphatically, do not forget to inspect the attic. Not only should you ensure insulation is undamaged by critters, but also inspect for leaks. In addition, clear ventilation and good insulation keep attics warm and prevent ice dams from building. Then you won’t have skyrocketing energy bills from heat loss. 
  7. Remove old wasp, bird, or mice nests and check for other pest infestations. Get these dealt with before cold weather makes it impossible.
  8. A final tip is to shun power washing the roof, no matter how compelling. Power washing can seriously damage roofing material. Instead, if you notice moss buildup on your roof, contact our Victoria de-mossing services. We use environmentally harmless spray and brushing methods to safely remove moss from your roof. 

The ideal time to assess your roof and make repairs is before it gets too cold and hazardous to be on the rooftop. With proper maintenance, your roof will last longer and remain safe from storms.

If you’re not prepared to scale your rooftop, or simply don’t have the time, help is at hand. Fortunately, Shoreline Roofing & Exterior Services has the professional roof contractors to get your home ready for winter. We not only perform roof inspections but also offer roof repairs and safe pressure washing. Now you can try one of those creamy fall lattes, watch a great movie, and forget about the worries of the world for a while.

Call us today at 250-413-7967.