shingle vs membrane roofing


If you are new to house roofing, there is a high chance that you have heard about Shingle and membrane roofing but may not know the difference between the two. When it comes to house…


Roof Maintenance Checklist

Your home can never be quite complete without a roof, so taking adequate care of them should be a priority. Roofs do not come cheap and cost quite a penny to repair or replace. Thankfully,…

what is roof flashing

Roof Flashing and the Benefits

Water damage can be frustrating and stressful to fix. One of every homeowner’s worst nightmares has to be a leaking or crumbling roof. Water damage can cost thousands of dollars to repair or replace, not…

poorly installed roof

Signs Your Roof Has Been Poorly Installed

A well-installed roof is key to keeping your home or office in great condition. Unfortunately, some roofing contractors take shortcuts that can lead to problems down the road. A poorly installed roof can lead to…

cool roofs

6 Ways a New Roof Increases Your Home’s Value

One of the important pieces of the puzzle regarding your home’s health is your roof. You need a high-quality roof to protect you and your family from the elements. New roofs can be expensive, but…

roofing trends

Roofing Trends in Victoria, Canada 2021-2022.

Looking to stay ahead of the curve in the roofing industry? Check out the latest roofing trends for 2021-2022! Here in Victoria, Canada, we’re seeing a move towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly roofing materials.…

shoreline roofing safe snow removal

How to Prevent Ice Dams & Roof Leaks this Winter

Winter is now well and truly here in the Victoria area, and with it comes plenty of rain, wind and snow that can wreak havoc on old or improperly maintained roof. We highly recommend that…

How to Keep Your Home Warm This Winter

At Shoreline Roofing we strongly recommend making sure your roof is properly insulated before the real cold weather hits us here on Vancouver Island. Well-insulated roofs increase energy efficiency and save you money on heating…

shoreline roofing signs of of a failing roof victoria

Tell-Tale Signs of a Failing Roof

A failing roof is one of the most pressing concerns for any homeowner as it can make your home essentially unlivable. Older or improperly maintained roofs are particularly vulnerable to failing in severe weather conditions,…

Safely Removing Snow from your Roof

Although Vancouver Island is more known for rain than it is for snow, winter storms can still blanket all parts of the Island in heavy snow from November onwards. Even relatively light snowfalls can pose…